People At Risk
Although DVT can occur in almost anyone, certain individuals may be at increased
risk for developing a DVT. In fact, very little is known about DVT and pulmonary
embolism and its impact on minorities and women.
However, what we know about DVT risk factors and the current healthcare landscape
indicates that women and ethnic minority populations may be at higher risk due to
existing healthcare disparities.35
African-American and Hispanic-American populations face limited access to healthcare
and a predisposition to other health conditions, such as diabetes, that could place
them at higher risk for a DVT.
According to the Office of the Surgeon General, African-Americans are more likely
than other ethnic groups to develop a DVT or a pulmonary embolism. In fact, African-Americans
are estimated to be at 30 percent greater risk compared to whites.36
There is an high prevalence of disease in the U.S. Hispanic community – on average,
every 19 minutes; a U.S. Hispanic will be diagnosed with first-time occurrence of
Through continued research, we need to continue to tackle the future of the healthcare
delivery system for minority groups in an effort to eliminate disparities and ultimately
reduce cost.
Women and DVT
Women may be at an increased risk for DVT and PE. Pregnancy and certain hormonal
medications may increase the risk of this condition in women.34
Women face unique health circumstances such as birth control pills
and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) which have been linked to an increased risk
for DVT, especially in women who are also smokers.34
In fact, women who take oral contraceptives that contain both estrogen and progestin
may be two to eight times more likely to have a blood clot.2
Because DVT and PE are difficult to diagnose and many people experience no symptoms
at all, it is important that ethnic minorities and women be aware of the signs and
symptoms of this condition.
The good news is, in most cases, DVT blood clots can be prevented.
Use the DVT Risk Assessor to learn more about your risk factors for DVT blood clots.
And don't forget to speak with your doctor to find out whether you or a loved one
could be at risk, and what you can do to minimize your risk.